Friday, July 25, 2014

The End

The last half of the pregnancy went fairly quick since it included the holidays. I highly recommend timing the last few months of your pregnancy during those months. Jake and I enjoyed our last few months of it just being the two of us. Here are just a few pictures of those last few months.
Baby Bump growing


Sophie all ready for Christmas in her snuggie.

26 Weeks!

Christmas Eve in our Christmas P.J's 
Baby K's room all ready for her to come.
37 Weeks...Baby Girl is considered Full Term. 
Super Bowl Sunday Seahawks VS Broncos...Jake was relieved I didn't go into labor, and he was able to watch his Seahawks Win!!! ( yes that is two T.V's that we had set up, our house was crazy that day)
Finally able to balance my cup on my belly and dip my Oreo Cookies! 
40 Weeks, I can't believe I made it all the way and she still didn't come!!! I stayed 3cm for about 3 weeks. Thankfully my Dr. believes in leaving the decision up to the Mom, and so we set an eviction date for Baby K on February 20th, 3 days after her due date. 


Surprised that I haven't written in almost a year? I'm not, I've never been the best at keeping journals. I won't make any promises to probably the two people that will read this...But hopefully I will have a few more updates in the next year.

Obviously a lot has changed in the last year, but I won't bore you with too many details,I'll just hit some of the more exciting and important milestones. Jake and I decided it was time to sell my trusty Honda Accord and move up to a beautiful Mazda CX-7. I'm not sure I can say I've loved a car more than I love this one!!(loving the car you make payments on is really helpful) Then I quit my job at Provo Rehab after three plus years with them to work more with a great hospice company which I absolutely love. We took our first camping trip together at Jake's family cabin in Washington, and in good Washington style it rained the WHOLE time needless to say we lasted about two and a half days before we quickly threw everything in the back of the cars and headed back to Jake's parents house to finish out the Memorial Day weekend in a dry house. It was a lot of fun but I prefer dry camping weather.

I would have to say though the milestone that has probably topped all of the others since meeting and getting married would be our June excitement. On the morning of June 9th I whipped out a little test stick, watered it down, and waited until BAM!!!! Two little lines appeared...I was shocked not because we weren't trying for a baby but because really lets face it when it actually happens you think "is this for real?" Anyways I just kept yelling for Jake I couldn't get more out of my mouth than his name over and over until he whipped open the door thinking something was terribly wrong, he looked at me asking What? and all I could do was point to the stick on the counter. My sweet husband apparently not realizing my state of shock asked me what does this mean? "WHAT DOES THIS MEAN??? WHAT DO YOU THINK IT MEANS??? It was the only pregnancy test we had around the house and me still in shock made my husband go to the store to get the "good" ones. I should mention it was a Sunday and we don't usually go to the store, but I knew this was one of those emergencies where we were breaking the sabbath and buying more pregnancy tests. Well two additional tests later and they all said the same thing...Pregnant

That day started my pregnancy journey. I was just barely pregnant when we found out but about two to three weeks later life was horrible. You know how those movies always portray pregnancy in this glorious light and how fun and great it is... Well they are lying!!! All I can think of is that movie What to Expect When your Expecting the lady who looked forward to pregnancy for a long time makes a great speech at the end of her pregnancy and it could not be more spot on. ( if you haven't seen the movie I highly recommend it, absolutely hilarious). Anyways I was sicker than sick. I didn't know it was possible to be this miserable, I couldn't move unless it was running towards the bathroom, I couldn't sleep, work, drive, cook, I literally laid in bed 24/7 for several days until my glorious first dr.'s appt. Can I just say Thank goodness for modern medicine and Zofran. While I wasn't completely healed I was at least able to get out of bed and work a few hours a day. So for the next few months I just focused on managing my sickness and trying to function as a semi normal person. I will just say that I by far have the best husband, he seriously stepped up and took the best care of me. Making sure I had everything I needed, working hard to provide for us since I wasn't able to work as much anymore, just the greatest I tell you. I should also add my sweet little Sophie kept me company all day and night even following to the bathroom, she really is the best too...

Well fast forward to almost 21 weeks, and I'm still alive, sometimes I think barely but I'm surviving. I still am sick most days but think I have just learned how to handle it better. We found out we are having a little Girl. We planned on waiting until our 20 week appointment, but if you know me I am not the most patient of people, so we found out around 17 weeks. Everyone was pretty shocked, most people thought our little baby was going to be a boy, I think the only person who guessed right was my 2 year old niece. After it sunk in Jake and I were super excited and switched to girl mode ( we were convinced it was going to be a boy too, so much for mothers intuition). Its hard to believe that we are already halfway done with this pregnancy but I feel its such a blessing that it seems to be going fairly quickly.

This past week we had our twenty week ultrasound and it was so exciting getting to see our sweet little girl again. 

When I'm not working or at school I spend most of my time looking at clothes and nursery furniture and decorations getting ideas. I can't wait to actually start putting it all together. We have a name picked out but are keeping it on the semi down low, there are probably a few people that might know it, but we will probably wait until she is here to officially announce it, so for now we often refer to her as Baby K, or Baby Kwood.
21 Weeks 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Our Life Together

 Jake and I were married almost three months ago. We've been busy settling into our new roles as husband, and wife. I'll just summarize the exciting things that have happened. We were married August 10th, it was a perfect day minus the down pour rain and the four hour drive to the reception ( thanks to NY weekend traffic) We were blessed to have so many friends and family come and celebrate with us. We were sealed in the Manhattan Temple, and had our reception on Long Island in Riverhead. Here are a few pictures to highlight the day.

After being married, we spent a few extra days in New York, and even decided to take a quick overnight trip to Connecticut, neither Jake nor I had ever been so it was a fun time together. We then headed back to Utah to move into our first home together. 

 We then started to settle back into real life, Jake working full time and attending school, and I working full time plus a part time job. In September I accepted a new position in my building which took me off the floor and gave me the opportunity to further myself in other areas of the health care field. I am continuing to love and enjoy my new position. 

At the end of September we celebrated Jake's 31st Birthday. We started the weekend out by staying the night in Salt Lake City. We walked around City Creek shopping and had dinner down at the Gateway. The next day we walked around and did a little shopping at both malls. Sunday I made Jake dinner and cake. His gift for his  birthday was his new Iphone 5, he was rather excited since he upgraded from an Iphone 3g that he had been rocking for over three years.

 Nothing too exciting happened through most of October. This past weekend we did however have our first guests over. Two of Jakes old roommates and their wife and girlfriend came over and we had dinner and carved pumpkins. We all had a blast and can't wait to have more people over to our little apartment :) 
That's about the extent of our lives since we got married. I will try my hardest to keep the blog updated and hopefully have some funny and more exciting posts to share...

Newly Married Mormon Wife joing the Blogging World...


Bare with me as I navigate the blogging world, and try to figure it all out...